Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren

So, I was not planning on commenting on this book, except a friend asked what I thought about it. I read this book almost two years ago, and I have to say I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I think it has some merit. I know, I know, it was instrumental in that woman leading her captor to Christ. It has been instrumental in many people's Christian walk. I have even heard people say how life changing it was. I'm still disappointed. It is Christianity light, not to mention that when it really could have gone deeper, it didn't. At one point when Warren is talking about a deeper spiritual life and spiritual disciplines, he says something like "if you are interested in this subject, see appendix 2." I thought, great, this is where he is going to recommend people like Willard or Foster. Does he? No. He recommends a purpose driven Bible study, purpose driven journal, purpose driven action figures, etc.

I think this is a good book to start with, but there is so much more. There are some really amazing books about a deeper walk with Christ. I fear that if this is what the church is looking to for depth, then we are sadly lacking.

This turned out to sound more negative than I intended.


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